Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day, Sunday, July 4

Happy Independence Day! Our visits to so many historical sites in the past few weeks has reinforced the significance of our freedom and the sacrifices made to ensure it. It is a great day to celebrate. Ivan and I began our day by catching up on computer projects before taking off to Target (my favorite place). Fortunately, there was a Best Buy next door (Ivan’s favorite). I managed to emerge with only “necessary” purchases and he actually came out empty handed. Go figure!

Our holiday evening celebration began with a champagne toast to our friendship and our trip with Yvonne and Curt,

followed by hot dogs on the grill with all the fixins’. It was the “all American” thing to do!

After dinner, Yvonne was the strong one, but Curt, Ivan and I walked a few yards to the free ice cream social provided by the campground. Suckers!!!!
We miss all of you and hope you had a happy and safe 4th!

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