Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bicycle Club Ride & A Walk, Saturday, July 3

Ivan discovered that there is a bicycle club here in the town, so he took off at 7:30 AM to meet the group. He had a really good ride and was anxious to tell me all about the beautiful terrain where they rode (so different from the routes he rides in CA). I was ready to do my walk around the campground when he returned, but he suggested driving me to the bicycle route so that I could walk along the shaded roads lined with lush green trees. He was uncomfortable with my walking alone in unfamiliar surroundings, so he moved slowly along in the car always within sight of me. Life is good!
Ivan and I spent the afternoon relaxing and reading, which was what we needed today, while Curt and Yvonne explored more historic sites around the area. We will be happy to hear about each others’ day while we enjoy burgers on the grill this evening.

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