Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Travel Day, Tuesday, July 6

Today’s route takes us through two “blurry memories” for Ivan and me. We drove non-stop to Binghamton, NY, and back to California in 1963, to buy his first sailplane. We had deadlines back then (like jobs), so we did it in 5 days. Several years later, Ivan flew commercial to Elmira, NY, where he purchased the second one. This time, one of the local pilots towed the glider in its trailer to Illinois where we met him and took it the remaining miles home to CA. That was only a 3 day round trip!
On this less hurried trip, we are not far from Elmira at a campground in Hancock, NY. I must say that Pennsylvania and New York farmlands and hillsides are beautiful. We will head for the Canadian Border and Niagara Falls tomorrow.
Just as I was signing off today, I happened to catch the portion of the news telling of the record breaking heat in New York City (100+) and of all days, the day the Queen visited the City. Last Thursday, the day we toured, we were wearing sweat shirts and wind breakers!

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